Saturday 30 September 2017

If you go down to the woods today ...

Today I thought I'd introduce you to the concept of  'forest bathing'  - I say introduce as although it's a phrase used in Japan since 1982, I didn't know it was a real thing!   The walking part in the forest I knew about, how being in nature is like therapy for me I've experienced, but to know it's a cultural thing is simply quite amazing :)  

A sketch of a gate on a recent walk near my home, I was really touched by the memorial plaque; two walkers who obviously knew the benefits of a walk in the woods

I had to dig a bit more and there are loads of articles on the interwebs, and this quote from one found here, sums up succinctly the benefits of walking in the woods, and adds to the reasons I enjoy my time outside in nature:

"The Japanese practice of forest bathing is proven to lower heart rate and blood pressure, reduce stress hormone production, boost the immune system, and improve overall feelings of wellbeing."

I knew walking in the wild helped me enormously from an inspiration point of view, my walking meditation helping me feel calm and centred, but who knew it has such great physiological benefits.  Get outside!  Right now!  You'll feel great :)  

I'm thinking this will not be the last of my researching forest therapy (yes, I love that phrase too)  - it may even warrant a blog category all of its own.

Larissa x

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